Charity starts at the workplace

My friends and work colleagues are proving to be difficult patrons of poor children. I have since setup a system to punish my colleagues, else God will.

To: london-office@XXXXX
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 07:50:28 +0000
Subject: Mongolian Rally charity fund raising for poor children in Mongolia
Hello all,

Please come to Suite 502 and break the rules of the quiet room. The fine
is 1GBP and the money will all go to Not me, not my
car, not alcohol, not entertaining women, instead it will ALL go to
foreign children.

I am aiming to raise at least 500GBP for the charity CNCF as part of my
effort to bring peace to this troubled area.

Thank you in advance,

Remember you don't have to just give, you can also make a bet on a child's life.