We've just reached the Czech Republic after spending a very pleasant evening and morning in Dresden with Kai's friend Felix. Curry wurst was a bit disappointing, think sausages swimming in slightly spicy tomato ketchup, but Felix's traditional German aloo gobi for dinner and cold meat and boil egg breakfast was excellent.
As Kai mentioned in the previous post our first stop was with his sister Jutta and two other Amy Winehouse tribute acts in West Germany. Jutta proved more observant than the two of us noticing almost immediately that our Dunlop sticker, provided my my creative flatmate Larry, was spelt slightly unusually, with an extra "p" coming after the "Dun".
We've been using a TomTom so far, and while it's very convenient I dislike them
intensely. It seems to me they remove all sense of where you are and where
you're going. The maps don't run out until at least Turkey
Apparently you cannot use foreign bank cards in Iran. I wish I'd brought some pounds with me as now I will be charged twice, once to withdraw the money elsewhere and again to exchange within Iran.
Talking of Iran, we're already finding the car quite hot, Kai's thermometer reading around 27C and the air from the vents seems to be constantly warm, although maybe that's just the ambient temperature.
- Miles: 798.4
- Time: 2 days, 23 hours
- McDonald's visits: 2
- Accidents: 0
Over and out.
Hi Jamie!
what a grate adventure! after the trip trough South America with my VW bus I've been dreaming of doing the MOngol Rally but never had the occasion... now at least I'll be able to follow you;)
gook luck and have fun!